Category: News

What Are the Benefits of Artificial Disc Replacement?

Is pain affecting your quality of life? If that pain is in either your neck area or the lumbar area of your spine, there are surgical methods to correct these painful conditions by replacing damaged spinal discs with artificial or manufactured discs. The procedure is minimally invasive and involves a short hospital stay. What are the benefits of artificial disc replacement?

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The Dangers of Leaving Whiplash Injury Untreated

Frequently whiplash is the result of a car accident, sometimes it can be a fall, or even playing certain sports. It will hurt the first day or so, but if the pain is relieved by over-the-counter medications, you may be tempted to do nothing further. That would be a mistake. The dangers of leaving whiplash injury untreated can last a lifetime.

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What Is Causing My Neck Pain?

Many of us have awakened in the morning with neck pain, and we immediately know we somehow slept wrong. We move around and within a short amount of time, the pain is miraculously gone. But what happens if that neck pain doesn’t go away, if it’s chronic, or no amount of over-the-counter medications are helping? You start asking: what is causing my neck pain?

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Guide To Keeping Your Spine Healthy

It’s a safe bet that most Americans who worry about their health focus on their heart, lungs, and digestive system. How many of us proactively think about keeping our spine healthy? If you gave people a list of concerns, their spine would be down the list, unless they suffered with chronic back and neck pain. So before you end up going down that road, here is a guide to keeping your spine healthy.

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Roller Coasters, Summer Activities, And Your Spine

The dog days of summer are approaching with warm weather and vacation plans.

Perhaps you have a road trip nearing that you’ve been planning for months. Maybe you just want to have a “staycation” this year and do some gardening and chores around the house. Whatever form your relaxation takes, always be aware of your spine. No one wants to arrive at their destination or come home with back pain.

Let’s look at some warm weather snafus that can ruin your summer fun.

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